Simple Family Tree Maker

Use Our Family Tree Builder.

Simple Family Tree Maker

Use Our Family Tree Maker.

Eternalize your family history with

Treemily - Easy Family Tree Builder

  • Create family tree visualizations with ready-made templates
  • Fully customizable
  • Make a family tree from scratch or import it with just a few clicks

You will love Treemily whether you are an advanced genealogy scholar or just want to create a unique and meaningful gift for your loved ones. Try our family tree maker now to see how easy it is to build stunning family tree visualizations with our templates.

Treemily makes genealogy fun!

family tree generator

unique gifts

family tree builder

Make family
research a family project

Turn your family tree
into home decor

A Solid Family Tree Builder

What Makes Our Family Tree Generator Different

  • Advanced
    research tools
  • Simple to use templates
  • Fully customizable
  • Easy to order prints
  • Regular updates of tools and templates
  • Family Tree Maker free version available
  • Advanced research tools
  • Simple to use templates
  • Fully customizable
  • Easty to order prints
  • Regular updates of tools and templates

Family Tree maker: online chart generator


Start using Treemily now


1. Create Treemily Account 


Take your first step towards immortalizing your family history


2. Choose Family Tree Type


Find out about family charts, ancestor trees, and dynasty trees – and pick your favorite


3. Fill In Information About Your Family


Insert names, DOBs, photos, interesting facts – everything you know about your loved ones


5. Complete Your Family Tree


With all the collected information, fill in the blanks and make your family tree as detailed as possible

Benefits of using Treemily

Make Your Tree Look Amazing


Treemily gives you total freedom over your family tree design with many fonts, grids, colors, and sizes 

Build Your Tree Together


Treemily allows you to collab with other users (your friends and family) for the most unforgettable genealogy research

Save Your Money


Treemily’s subscription costs less than those of other popular family tree builders – and we don’t compromise on quality either

Enjoy The Free Stuff


Beyond paid subscription, our Treemily family tree creator offers very extensive free functionality


What is a family tree?

A family tree is a visual representation of a person’s lineage, aiming to help one see and understand how all the family members are linked throughout the years.

What is a family tree builder?

Family tree builders like Treemily are multi-functional online tools designed to help its users design family trees in the easiest possible way.

Why do I need a family tree builder?

A family tree builder is the single most convenient way of visualizing your family heritage – all it takes is a couple of clicks. There is absolutely nothing wrong with pen-and-paper family trees (we’re big fans too), but if you value efficiency and simplicity, an online family creator is for you!

How do I build a family tree in Treemily?

Our family tree creator is very intuitive – all you need to do is create your account, choose your preferred family tree type, and start filling in the information about relatives. The tool will do most of the visual work itself, with you only customizing and tweaking it to look like the family tree of your dream!

Is the Treemily family tree maker free?

Yes, our basic version of the family tree maker is 100% free to use! And if you feel like exploring some of our premium features such as color selectors, downloadable trees, duplicate merging, and many more – consider purchasing our subscription!