Best Ideas for Genealogy Bloggers

Starting a genealogy blog should be an exciting venture for any enthusiast out there. It’s safe to say that there are hundreds of interesting genealogy blog ideas to choose from, so if you are someone who tends to be interested in pretty much everything, picking the best ideas could be troublesome. That’s why we have put together a list of the top 10 best genealogy blog ideas that we think are best for beginner bloggers.
Align Ancestral Stories with Historical Events
If you have any stories about your ancestors migrating during political power struggles, or other important historical events, it could be quite an interesting genealogy blog idea as you can talk about what happened to them, why they chose to behave a certain way, and what they did. At the end of your story, link everything back to a given historical event and explain why and how it affected your ancestors.
Genealogy Mistakes
A lot of new bloggers like to write about genealogy best practices, but few tend to share the mistakes they’ve made in the past or are still making now, which is a shame because this info will be extremely beneficial to other beginners. So why don’t you become one of those chosen few, as you are noting down all the mishaps that occurred when doing your research, thus helping others avoid these mishaps and reach their goal a lot quicker? Not to mention, you get to learn from those mistakes as well.
Tips for Beginners
We’ve all been beginners at something, and one thing that all newbies agree on is that how-to guides are incredibly helpful when starting out family history research. Consider putting together a list of useful tips for beginner genealogists and explain how each tip will benefit those who are just starting out. Think about what you wish you knew when you got into genealogy blogging and share it with your readers.
List Your Best Sources
Is there a collection of websites that helped you with your genealogy journey? If, at the time, you have done enough digging to compile an extensive list of links that helped you conduct your research, consider sharing it with others to save their time and bring more readers to your blog. Aside from the very best sources that you have discovered, think about adding some red-list sources that are not so reliable or useful.
Interview with Your Oldest Relative
Our older folks have lots of stories to share, and these stories can become an interesting genealogy blog idea. For instance, you can record a “true story from the good old days” kind of interview, which would leave you with captivating blog content. Having the chance to watch a video of your relatives talking about their youth, first love, school life, and career will make your blog post fascinating for yourself and others.
Activity Guide for Teens
Try to get teens and youngsters interested in family research by busting the myth of genealogy being a hobby exclusively for the elderly. You can do this by presenting your younger readers with interesting activities that involve research and ancestral investigations, making them understand the importance and helping experience the fun of learning about their relatives.
Life-Changing Ancestors
Have you got a relative who did something absolutely extraordinary in the past and possibly even changed the course of history? This individual is probably worth noting, so talking about their journey and how your family came to be because of their efforts will be an interesting genealogy blog idea for yourself and others who visit your blog.
Similarities Between Ancestors
If you’ve ever wondered who you’ve inherited your personality traits from, then consider writing a blog post about your ancestor’s traits and how similar they are to yours. You can draw similarities between other ancestors, describe their personalities, and reflect on what you like and dislike about them. This genealogy blog idea will inspire other readers to delve deeper into genealogy research and give you something to look back on if you find other ancestors with similar personality traits.
Shout-out to the Best Ancestor
Do you have an ancestor who makes you feel incredibly proud? It could be a great-grandfather with a cool profession or a brave great-great-uncle who fought in many wars – tell your readers everything about this special person that you’ve highlighted and tell everyone why you think they are the most impressive person of your kin.
Share Your Genealogy Goals
Share your goals for the upcoming year, outline what you want to achieve, predict the possible setbacks, and how you would overcome them. This will act as a captivating post and a timeline for you to follow if you need to get yourself back on track with your genealogy plans. Writing down your goals will also show you how far you have come with your research after completing it, making you feel a great sense of accomplishment.
Finding a genealogy blog idea isn’t as tough as it used to be, as there are thousands of bloggers who have searched high and low for the best topics to cover, giving you a lot to choose from. However, when choosing a specific genealogy blog idea, keep in mind that it should resonate with the type of writer you are, along with what you are truly passionate about. Remember to always write about what sparks your interest, as you are writing to expand your knowledge and enjoy yourself, as well as educating other readers.