
Make Your Home a Dream Place with a Family Tree Décor

data icon 08.07.2019
Family Tree Painting

Looking for something special to spice up your home decor? Many people love decorating home with photographs. We pick the best photos that remind us of the happiest moments and our loved ones. However, there is a more creative way to decorate your home and keep the memory of your family members alive.

A family tree is a great option for those who want to visualize their family history through generations. Many people who want to make it a part of the house décor prefer creating a big tree on the wall so that all family members could be clearly seen. Though some might say that there are easy ways to create your own family tree, it makes sense to use a free family tree maker because you get a guaranteed result.

Ready-Made Trees Are More Convenient

Some people enjoy the very process of creating family trees and it really brings a lot of joy. However, there’s a stumbling block to the DIY approach. If you use paint and adhesive materials to create the tree right on the wall, you will have to destroy it someday when you decide to carry out house renovation. Imagine all the time and effort you’ve put into the creation – and now your tree will be ruined in a matter of minutes.

If you order a poster or a large rolled canvas you can take it off the wall at any moment and hang it back on the wall whenever you want it back. Plus you can get it framed to protect from being accidentally damaged. An aged frame would add a bit more charm to your tree and balance the walls.


make your own family tree

Tree Templates Help to Save Time

Time You may think that after you’ve finished your research the job is almost done, however, it’s only partly true. It takes quite a lot of time to organize all data, pick photos and the most interesting facts, create descriptions for each family member – and this is only stage two in your family tree creation if you decide to make your own family tree. Stage three will be even more time-consuming. You need to come up with the family tree design and format and buy all the materials you’re going to use. If you still have a shred of enthusiasm (you’re probably very persistent) then be ready to spend a few more days on the creation.

Instead of making a family tree from scratch, it will seriously ease your work to benefit from a ready-to-use one. It will take you a few hours to create descriptions for your ancestors and transfer them to a free family tree maker. Voila! Your tree is ready!

Eliminate the Risk to Make a Mistake

Family history research is a time-consuming process that requires meticulous attention to detail. If you miss a family member or make a mistake it will be hard to correct it. If at some moment you decide to make any corrections it might be simply too late. A family tree builder allows you to make as many amendments as you want and redo your tree as many times as you need.

Besides that, if you decide that you don’t like your current template anymore, you can easily export all data to another system through a GEDCOM file.

Create Stunning Family History Visualization with Treemily

Treemily provides a continually growing collection of templates to let its users play with fonts and colors and create an amazing design.

The whole process can be divided into four stages:

  • adding family member details;
  • template selection;
  • customizing colors & options;
  • print ordering.

You can share your chart with friends and family members to show them the chart or involve them in the creation of your tree.

Treemily is an extremely easy-to-use builder that lets you visualize your family heritage in a matter of a few clicks. Give it a go and see it yourself.

Some people think of genealogy as a boring hobby that requires you to look for names and dates, but it is nothing more than a common misbelief. Family history research is far more interesting than that. It takes you on a thrilling journey to your ancestors’ past, lets you develop creativity and opens a new world right in front of your eyes. Just keep your mind open!

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